Sunday, September 15, 2013

Smooth Jazz Ballad

Cmin9 - Abmaj7 - Fm7 - G7#5 A smooth ballad with a hint of smooth jazz feel. A short backing track to practice for all sorts of instruments, mainly guitar, sax, piano etc. The main key is in C Minor, however on the change/bridge at G7#5 chord you could use C Harmonic Minor scale, or if you prefer to go all modal then you use the modes accordingly. Tempo: 90 Cmin9 = C Aeolian, C Harmonic Minor, C Dorian Abmaj7 = Ab Lydian, Ab Ionian Fm7 = F Dorian, F Aeolian G7#5 = G Mixolydian, C Harmonic Minor

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